List of courses

Recreate EU Project offers you a flexible learning platform for all of your  cultural enterprise needs. Take full control of your business growth.

Financial literacy

Capacities to access (EU-) innovation funding programs and to develop digital revenue models

Management capacities

How to steer transformation processes

Innovation in arts and culture

New types of mobility and artistic development;

Digital skills

Development and use of new (digital, hybrid) formats

Sustainable cultural industry

Ecological transformation of cultural actions of all kinds

Co-funded by the European Union

The project Recreate, co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the EU, has been launched by the partnership formed by POU Varazdin (Croatia) and Building Bridges Association (Spain).



RECREATE aims at establishing a formalised transnational cooperation between European organisations involved in the culture and Adult education sector. The partnership will contribute to development and implementation of innovative practices as well as the implementation of joint initiatives promoting cooperation, peer learning and exchanges of experience at European level in the field of training by new participatory approach to culture fostering new opportunities to fight COVID crisis effects.


Among the expected results, RECREATE aims to develop a digital educational program for financial literacy, business planning, funding options and online marketing for the cultural sector and provide free access to all people who need this knowledge in order to be more resilient, boost their digital skills and capacities. We also aim to provide digital tools and knowledge for one of the sectors that suffered more the COVID19 crisis through an open source digital platform.


– Open source Platform for free online learning for the creative sector in Croatia and Spain.
– Increased number of people from the creative sector trained in entrepreneurial skills, especially in the field of financial literacy, funding sources and online marketing (min. 100 students per country)
-Capacity building of both organizations in the field of online learning.
– Capacity development of both institutions in international project cooperation.

Putting training first while helping your business growth

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“Hiring new employees is a long process, and you need a trusted friend to help you with that. Recreate is an amazing training platform that will help you from the get-go.”

LANA .... Director of

© copyright Recreate 2022


For any inquiries please email

    Recreate in Croatia

    Recreate in Spain


    Most frequent questions and answers

    Yes you can edit every single element.

    Yes, these files are fully layered.

    Click on the mask and click “B” for brush tool.

    You will need Photoshop preferably version CS6 and newer.